Idle State. Cable Plugged out on MAC %1 Description %1 = MAC Address This indicates that a camera was disconnected from a POE port. Notes This is normally seen on the Una or M-Series.
Category: Log Level
%1: Valid WDR level is %2
%1: Valid WDR level is %2 Description %1 = IP address of Camera %BR% %2 = WDR setting – normally 1-10 Notes This indicates what Wide Dynamic Range a camera is capable, or what level the plugin is set the camera to.
Closed {File Page}
Closed {File Page} Description This indicates that a 5-minute segment of video/audio has been recorded and the file closed. Notes This is a normal message.
Opened {File Path}
Opened {File Path} Description This indicates that a record stream has been opened on the storage volume for video/audio. Notes This is a normal message.
%1 will be using VMD4 for Motion Events
%1 will be using VMD4 for Motion Events Description %1 = IP Address of camera. Indicates that VMD4 is being used for motion event detection. Notes This is a normal message.
%1 send error 110
%1 send error 110 Description %1 = IP address of camera.110 is a Linux C Error code “ETIMEDOUT 110 /* Connection timed out */” Notes This occurs on the send side of the data rather than the receive side, which is why it is a send error.
Sender Not Authorized
Sender Not Authorized Description Often means camera was added with wrong device type. i.e. – added with Onvif rather than Pelco.
Input(***): Describe response failed (retcode 401)
Input(***): Describe response failed (retcode 401) Description 401 is an HTTP error code for “Unauthorized”. For unknown reason this sometimes appears when the correct credentials are entered in the client. Notes Re-enter the password for the root account in the camera’s web interface.
Input(): Unrecognized resolution.
Input(): Unrecognized resolution. Description Server plugin does not like the resolution setting from the camera. Notes Enter camera web interface and change the resolution to match the IP Camera Integration test records.
tDVR %1 voltage %2
tDVR %1 voltage %2 Description %1 = the capture board number starting with 0. %BR%%2 = The processor voltage detected at startup, which varies. Notes This is a normal message.