Device %1: Config socket connect error (10060)

Device %1: Config socket connect error (10060) Description %1 – IP address of the camera. %BR% Timeout connecting to camera indicated, will attempt delayed reconnect. Notes If you see this and do not think the camera is going down. Try an extended ping test, or accessing the camera via the webpage.

File ***.ps not found

File ***.ps not found Description Indicates that that the Exacq Server had knew about this file. But when it went to remove this data to make room for new data, it could not find the file in question. Notes This can mean a few things. It can mean that the drive is falling behind, if… Continue reading File ***.ps not found

*** EWOULDBLOCK – 143 ***

*** EWOULDBLOCK – 143 *** Description The socket is non-blocking, but the called function would block. Notes This error is detected when a requested operation is not ready to be done, but the socket is set to a non-blocking mode. select can be used to wait with timeout for the operation to become ready. <br>

*** ETIMEDOUT – 140 ***

*** ETIMEDOUT – 140 *** Description Timeout. Notes An operation such as connect, recv or send timed out. For TCP, this error could occur during a send operation if the remote host is not responding with acknowledgments. This could also occur if the remote host is not responding to an ARP request. <br>

System %1 could not get record volume

System *** could not get record volume Description %1 = the stream id. %BR% For that particular stream, we could not find a place to record it. Notes We try to have 1 GB of free space free to record to when we open a file. This is the warning we print if we can’t… Continue reading System %1 could not get record volume