Device %1: Config socket connect error (10060)

Device %1: Config socket connect error (10060) Description %1 – IP address of the camera. %BR% Timeout connecting to camera indicated, will attempt delayed reconnect. Notes If you see this and do not think the camera is going down. Try an extended ping test, or accessing the camera via the webpage.

Login failure – unknown username (%1) or password.

Login failure – unknown username (%1) or password. Description %1 = The user that attempted to login. %BR% This indicates the Client connected to the server, saw the service, and the authentication failed. Notes This has been known to come up on extremely slow connections as well, or on systems with a very restrictive antivirus.… Continue reading Login failure – unknown username (%1) or password.

get oldest record error 1717

get oldest record error 1717 Description A deprecated plugin that remains in the installer has unnecessarily been enabled, EventLog. Notes Enabling this plugin can cause the system to reboot. Delete it from the plugins directory and restart the server.Windows: evtlog.dllLinux:

Error in executing media test (*** query) for status refresh (error ***)

Error in executing media test (*** query) for status refresh (error ***) Description Indicates there is no media in the Servers DVD/CD drive. Notes This message will come up on service start, and if you hit Refresh Status in the Exacq Recall page.This is a normal message if there is no disk in the drive.