Input #: Unsupported codec.

Input #: Unsupported codec. Description The camera is currently streaming in a codec that cannot be received. Notes Change the stream codec to one supported or factory default the camera.The IP8162 may set codec to “SVC” after a factory default. The camera doesn’t even support this stream. You must change the stream profile back to… Continue reading Input #: Unsupported codec.

Unable to communicate with webserver at address %1. Error message: %2

Unable to communicate with webserver at address %1. Error message: %2 Description %1 = IP address of Web Server. %BR% %2 = Specific error message or number. %BR% The IP address or hostname listed on the Notifications>Web Server tab was not reachable. Notes

User manager failed to initialize – %error%.

User manager failed to initialize – %error%. Description User accounts XML was not loaded. May be due to XML corruption or anti-virus interference. Notes Deleting the useraccount.xml and restarting service will not cause it to be created. You will need to reinstall the Server.