Camera did not send valid quality for codec H264

Camera did not send valid quality for codec H264 Description exacqVision Client connection status for camera shows “unable to create video stream” status. Notes Often this is a firmware compatibility issue. There are some cases that this has been resolved by factory defaulting the camera and/or removing and recreating illustra3pi.xml file in server folder.

FFNI on stream %1 – %2

FFNI on stream %1 – %2 Description FFNI indicates First Frame Not I-frame. The psfpi plugin cannot start recording on a P/B-frame since these cannot be decoded. The FFNI metrics/logging is accounting for the fact that frames were dropped. Possible symptom is “smearing” of video occasionally “snapping” back to clear image. The stream ID will determine… Continue reading FFNI on stream %1 – %2

update config query delta attribute error

update config query delta attribute error Description This message can usually be ignored.%BR% The Axis plugin is trying to process XML configuration coming to it, but the XML is missing a ‘delta’ attribute. If the XML doesn’t have the ‘delta’ attribute, the plugin ignores the XML message and moves on.%BR% This may occur from devices… Continue reading update config query delta attribute error

%1: Context %2. Media open but data timed out. Close and retry

%1: Context %2. Media open but data timed out. Close and retry Description The video stream is still open, but we haven’t received video for 10 seconds. %BR%%BR% %1 – Device IP Address %BR% %2 – Device name Notes Will usually be noted just prior to a stream closing due to some sort of loss… Continue reading %1: Context %2. Media open but data timed out. Close and retry

psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: update or delete on table “organization_enterpriseuser” violates foreign key constraint “auditlogger_auditlog_user_id_*****_fk_organizat” on table “auditlogger_auditlog”

psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: update or delete on table “organization_enterpriseuser” violates foreign key constraint “auditlogger_auditlog_user_id_%1_fk_organizat” on table “auditlogger_auditlog” Description Reviewing Notes %1 suggest the user id number.%BR%See KB 15724 for resolution.