/mnt/%1/%2/%3 old usage (*** bytes), new usage (*** bytes)

/mnt/%1/%2/%3 old usage (* bytes), new usage (* bytes) Description %1 = IP address of SMB share. %BR% %2 = SMB share name. %BR% %3 = Server name. %BR% After re-scanning the archive target, this is the old and new usage. Notes This is a normal message.

Discarding frame of excessive length ***

Discarding frame of excessive length *** Description A frame received, exceeded the available buffer space for the camera plugin. Notes The buffer for individual plugins has changed over time. Check the release notes. It’s possible the customer may need to update to a newer version of Server to support a newer camera with larger frames.… Continue reading Discarding frame of excessive length ***

Cleaning up /mnt/edvr/%1/%2/%3/%4/%5/%6 – no relevant frames were found for archiving.

Cleaning up /mnt/edvr/%1/%2/%3/%4/%5/%6 – no relevant frames were found for archiving. Description %1 = Drive Number %BR% %2 = Year %BR% %3 = Month %BR% %4 = Day %BR% %5 = Hour %BR% %6 = File Name %BR% Archive file was deleted as no frames needed to be archived. Notes This will occur when a… Continue reading Cleaning up /mnt/edvr/%1/%2/%3/%4/%5/%6 – no relevant frames were found for archiving.

Opening|creating database in location: C:/Program Files/exacqVision/Server/eventpi.db

Opening|creating database in location: C:/Program Files/exacqVision/Server/eventpi.db Description In Linux, this will say: /usr/local/exacq/Server/eventpi.db Notes This is a normal message during startup. If the file gets “created” on an existing installation, this indicates there was a corruption or missing database.