Cloudvue Manager C2C Disk Space

Description The disk space section in Cloudvue Manager for C2C devices returns a listing of the partitions on the camera and the microSD card.It is equivalent to running the Linux command df -h SD Card Status Green – Healthy Ideally the SD card will show a status of green with a message of SD Card… Continue reading Cloudvue Manager C2C Disk Space

Failover and Failback Issue in exacqVision Server and Enterprise Manager

Description  Level 3 Support has identified an issue with Failover functions in ExacqVision Server software manifesting as failback failure. The component responsible is ExacqVision Server software, but errors can be detected from the Enterprise Manager Failover Groups page as well, leading some customers to report this as an issue with the Enterprise Manager software. Product … Continue reading Failover and Failback Issue in exacqVision Server and Enterprise Manager

Using the Illustra License Registration Tool

Overview Users entitled to free IP camera licensing from eligible Illustra cameras may easily claim a new license key for their exacqVision system online, without the need to contact Orders. NOTE: It is best practice to declare your eligible cameras and apply the generated license as a first step during NVR setup to prevent those… Continue reading Using the Illustra License Registration Tool

32-bit Server Installer Fails on 32-bit Ubuntu 14.04

Description  Upgrade or clean install of Server versions 23.06 and 23.09 failed on 32-bit Ubuntu 14.04 Product  Steps to Reproduce  Upgrade exacqVision Server using the GUI or terminal. Expected Results  Installer completes successfully. Actual Results  Installer fails. If run from terminal the output below is shown: Workaround Install version 22.09 or prior. It’s possible other… Continue reading 32-bit Server Installer Fails on 32-bit Ubuntu 14.04

Camera Recording Page Columns Missing on Fresh Install

Description  The Camera Recording Page in the client doesn’t show any of the default options such as, IP Address, Camera Name, Video Detection, Record Status, Last Motion, Mac Address, Type, Model, Firmware. Product  Exacq Client 23.06 and as early as 22.12 Steps to Reproduce  Remove Exacq Vision Client completely from the Recorder, or any client… Continue reading Camera Recording Page Columns Missing on Fresh Install

How to use the Support Portal File Share/Upload Feature

NOTE: The file upload utility tool has been deprecated. This process should be used in its place. Use of file sharing providers such as Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, etc for file exchange with customers is forbidden by JCI. Sharing Files <br> Customer File Uploads

Re-image fails on Linux G-Series Micro units above Ubuntu version 18.04

exacqVision G-Series Micro units may fail to write Exacq’s custom image of Ubuntu OS versions back to drive if the version is above Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Product G-Series Micro Steps to Reproduce Expected Results The sysprep process should not fail Actual Results The sysprep process fails Solution <br> Reference: AES-737

Illustra Multisensor Backwards Compatibility

Background Over many years the number of Illustra camera related plugins had grown. An engineering effort was aimed at consolidating these to make selection of the appropriate plugin easier for users. exacqVision Server 24.03 represents a configuration shift which could affect users that attempt to downgrade the server application to versions earlier than 24.03. This… Continue reading Illustra Multisensor Backwards Compatibility