Category: User Guides
Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras
After logging into your Illustra camera for the first time, accepting the End User License Agreement, and creating a Host ID, you will be asked to select a security mode. Enhanced is selected by default. As the message indicates, Enhanced will automatically select several advanced security options, such as enabling additional authentication needs, like forcing… Continue reading Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras
Cloudvue User Manual cv22.4.0.6
Create Illustra camera privacy zone
Description This document will outline the process of creating a privacy zone on an Illustra camera. Expected Results When the camera is connected to exacqVision you will be able to create a privacy zone through the inbuilt options. Actual Results The inbuilt option is greyed out/disabled for Illustra cameras. Solution Create the privacy zone in… Continue reading Create Illustra camera privacy zone
KT-1 Cloud User Guide v1.05
Cloudvue Mobile Access Control User Guide
Cloudvue Mobile Access Control User Guide
exacqVision Hardening Guide
Description A hardening guide is a supplemental document that is provided alongside installation instructions with a product. Product Solution A hardening guide is a supplemental document that is provided alongside installation instructions with a product. This hardening guide will outline the minimal necessary steps to ensure a secure installation of the product in a customer… Continue reading exacqVision Hardening Guide
Using the ADVCPTZKEY1 USB Joystick / Keyboard with exacqVision
This document will guide you through step-by-step procedures for keyboard use and suggested button mappings. Prerequisites For proper operation of the American Dynamics ADVCPTZKEY1 PTZ USB Keyboard, both the exacqVision Client and Server must be on version 22.03 or higher. Product ADVCPTZKEY1 American Dynamics Surveillance Keyboard <br> Setup <br>
Validating Certificate Permissions for SSL and HTTPS on Linux for WebService
In this example using Letsencrypt SSL certificates. The webservice is behind HAProxy and was not been able to successfully configure HAProxy to update Letsencrypt certificates over HTTP. Therefore, I manually updated the certificate. /etc/webservice/tls/server.crt _> /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -> /etc/letsencrypt/live/ updating the certificates, I linked the original to the new certificates in the Letencrypt folder:When I try… Continue reading Validating Certificate Permissions for SSL and HTTPS on Linux for WebService