Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras

After logging into your Illustra camera for the first time, accepting the End User License Agreement, and creating a Host ID, you will be asked to select a security mode. Enhanced is selected by default. As the message indicates, Enhanced will automatically select several advanced security options, such as enabling additional authentication needs, like forcing… Continue reading Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras

Cloudvue – Default Ports

Description The following is a list of firewall settings for ports and domains used by Cloudvue that may need to be either opened or white listed  to ensure devices are able to reach the cloud. Products Default Ports PortDescriptionProduct(s)80Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)Cloudvue LocalCloudvue Gateway Cameras123Network Time Protocol (NTP))Cloudvue Gateway443Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS / TLS… Continue reading Cloudvue – Default Ports