Category: Documentation
exacqVision Hardening Guide
Description A hardening guide is a supplemental document that is provided alongside installation instructions with a product. Product Solution A hardening guide is a supplemental document that is provided alongside installation instructions with a product. This hardening guide will outline the minimal necessary steps to ensure a secure installation of the product in a customer… Continue reading exacqVision Hardening Guide
Using the ADVCPTZKEY1 USB Joystick / Keyboard with exacqVision
This document will guide you through step-by-step procedures for keyboard use and suggested button mappings. Prerequisites For proper operation of the American Dynamics ADVCPTZKEY1 PTZ USB Keyboard, both the exacqVision Client and Server must be on version 22.03 or higher. Product ADVCPTZKEY1 American Dynamics Surveillance Keyboard <br> Setup <br>
Setting up Email Notifications to send a Start and a Stop email when the event starts and ends.
When setting up email notifications to work with a IP Camera Connection event there is setting in the Notifications to send on the event start and end. Once the Email Profile has been tested and confirmed to be working we need to set up 2 rules for this to work properly Event Linking To set… Continue reading Setting up Email Notifications to send a Start and a Stop email when the event starts and ends.
Member Test
This is a Member test document – please ignore.
CSV Imports Exceeding IP Licenses
For the multi head camera when imported from a CSV file the client uses 4 camera licenses and not just one. This is true for all other manufactured multi head camera on the system in .CSV Previously we did not support this in our client. Dev build 21.09.2294700.0 included the following fix:Enhancement – Added support… Continue reading CSV Imports Exceeding IP Licenses
C-Cure Integration License
In order to fully integrate with C-Cure 9000 Versions 2.80 or later an additional license is required. The license can be requested from the CCURE’s licensing system via part number CC9WS-EXACQMON. After proper application, this license will show up in the CCURE “Licensing” application as “Exacq Analytics for CCURE 9000”. Here is an example: