C-Cure Integration License

In order to fully integrate with C-Cure 9000 Versions 2.80 or later an additional license is required.  The license can be requested from the CCURE’s licensing system via part number CC9WS-EXACQMON.  After proper application, this license will show up in the CCURE “Licensing” application as “Exacq Analytics for CCURE 9000”. Here is an example:

Neo panel: initial state not updating

In installations where zone 1 is not configured in the panel, our server will fail to retrieve the initial state of all zones in the panel. This is because the itv2 command used to request the zone states fails. A workaround is to assign zone 1 to a partition. Fix for this issue will be… Continue reading Neo panel: initial state not updating

Kantech Integration Not Getting All Relay Events

Issue  Large Kantech integration was failing to get relay events from all zones. <br> Workaround  None <br> Resolution Kantechpi polls devices by identifier and had a limit of 1600 devices. This is an arbitrary limit and has now been doubled to support 3200 devices. <br> Version Affected exacqVision Server 19.09 and lower <br> Version Fixed… Continue reading Kantech Integration Not Getting All Relay Events