Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Integrations

Arecont Single-sensor Cameras Do Not Connect or Display Video After Restart on Windows 7 exacqVision Systems

Arecont single-sensor cameras with firmware 65218 and 65219 can fail to connect or display video after a Windows 7 exacqVision system restarts. This can occur because exacqVision software changed to the RTSP protocol starting with version 5.4. Arecont plugins in exacqVision versions earlier than 5.4 use TFTP, which is not affected by this issue.


To obtain beta firmware, visit and search for your camera model. Then click the link under the Integration Status column for details.


Also, firmware older than 65218 can be downloaded and installed from Arecont’s support website. If you have firmware 65219 installed, do not update the firmware; Arecont will provide a solution for these and other cameras.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Troubleshooting Record Content Age Event

Record Content Age is available when the Health event type is selected on the Event Linking page in exacqVision Client. Record Content Age is triggered when the configuration setting for the Desired Content Age (which is configurable on the Storage configuration page) is greater than Oldest Content as reported on the Storage page. Oldest Content reported does not account for any “At Least” storage rules or bookmarked video/data.


Troubleshooting Goal

Ensure that your actual system configuration is comparable with the configuration provided to the Exacq Configuration Calculator ( If your actual configuration exceeds the planned configuration, it is expected to have a reduced capacity for recorded data. The pages required in this goal can be accessed in the exacqVision Client tree as shown here:



Days Stored: Ensure that the Days Stored provided to the calculator is greater than the Oldest Content reported by the system on the Storage page of exacqVision client.

Number of connected cameras: 
How many cameras are connected to your system? Make sure it is fewer than what is specified on the calculator. Connecting more cameras will result in reduced age in overall content.

Frame Rate: Check the value of Frame Rate for all your cameras and video inputs on the Camera Recording page. Higher frame rates result in more disk usage per unit of time. A frame rate of 10-15 fps is considered sufficient for most customer’s needs.



Format: Check the Format setting on the Camera Recording page. H.264 or MPEG4 formats, if available on a camera, result in more compact disk storage than JPEG, increasing longevity of overall recorded data.

Resolution and Quality: Check the Resolution and Quality settings on the Camera Recording page for your cameras. Higher resolution and higher quality result in greater disk usage.( You can open the camera’s configuration page in exacqVision Client to see the average image size). Reducing resolution and quality settings increases the recorded media longevity. Try adjusting resolution and quality settings on individual camera to see how it affects video viewing experience before deciding on a final setting. Quality can also be adjusted on an individual camera’s settings page.

Recording Schedule: Check the Schedule configuration. Free Run recording (colored green) requires the most disk space compared with Alarm or Motion Recording, which are recorded only when predefined activity occurs. Reducing the amount of free run recording increases recording longevity.



Motion Recording: Determine whether any camera configured for motion recording is recording content when no actual motion is present in the scene. You can investigate this by executing a search during the times when no motion is expected. If video results are returned, our motion recording needs to be adjusted to record only the content that you care about.

*Moving objects present in the scene (like a tree or traffic) that you do not care about (but their motion triggers recording) can be masked. Alternatively, you can also adjust motion window to include the area in the camera scene that is important for recording. Motion Mask and Motion Window configuration are available on a camera’s settings page.

*A camera’s sensitivity to light can also trigger motion. You can adjust the Sensitivity configuration on an camera’s individual settings page.

*Make sure all day/night cameras are switching to night mode as needed.

*Make sure continuously touring PTZ cameras are not configured to record motion (unless required).

Alarm Recording: 
If any of your video sources are configured to record based on an alarm condition, you can check whether event linking configuration is triggered too frequently, resulting in unwanted recorded content. On the Search for Events page, search for events during the time when you know a particular event should not happen. Reducing pre- and post- trigger settings will result in reduced disk space usage.


How to determine which device takes up the most space

If your system consists of many different IP camera models, the following command-line command might be useful in identifying which media source to investigate based on the device that takes up the most storage.

Note for Windows servers:
 The commands below have been tested using PowerShell 2.0 on Windows 7 SP1 32-bit. Earlier versions of Windows should be able to download PowerShell 2.0 from here:

Execute the following command on the command prompt to list existing manufacturer-device-storage rule file naming patterns on your ev server:


find /mnt/edvr/1/2013 -type f -name “*.ps” -printf “%f\n” | sed ‘s/^…..//’ | sort | uniq


get-childitem D:\2013 -include “*.ps” -name -recurse | %{$_ -replace “^.*\d{4}-“, “” } | sort | unique

NOTE: Those commands can require more than ten minutes to complete, depending on the size of your system and drive speed.

Your output might look something like this:

Refer to the KB article on exacqVision file naming (, which should help you understand how exacqVision’s file names translate to specific cameras on your system.

For each of the reported devices in the list, you can see the amount of storage that a particular device uses. For example, for device with 00150280 pattern:


find /mnt/edvr/1/2013 -name “*” -exec ls -l ‘{}’ \; | awk ‘BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=$5} END{print sum}’


get-childitem D:\2013 -include “*” -recurse | measure-object -property length -sum | %{ $_.Sum; }

The resulting output is the total number of bytes used by a media device on your disk. If you find the media input that is responsible for the largest usage, you can then follow the adjustment recommendations to reduce space demands of this source.


Using Storage Rules to Increase Oldest Content

If you find a media source on your server that requires high resolution recording, but you do not necessarily need to preserve those recordings for a long time, you can use storage rules to control recorded age for a particular input.

*On the Storage page, select the desired input from the Expiration Configuration panel and click Add.

*Select the newly added input on the right-hand side panel and select the At Most in the Type drop-down box.

*Select the desired number of days.

*Click Apply to save the configuration.

Note for exacqVision System Manager (ESM) Users

ESM might report content age alarms when the system is not actually in an alarmed state. Upon startup in exacqVision Server versions before 6.0, the server software assumes a non-alarmed state for the content age alarm and sends notification to ESM after it becomes alarmed. If you stop the exacqVision service while in a content age alarm state and then start the service again expecting the alarm to be cleared, you might continue to see an active content age alarm in ESM (but not exacqVision Client). To work around this, force the server into a content age alarm state and verify that the alarm is reported in exacqVision Client. Then adjust the Desired Content Age setting to turn off the alarm. This should also clear the alarm state in ESM.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Vivotek VS8801 Encoder Enabling 2nd NIC for exacqVision


Vivotek VS8801 Encoder Enabling 2nd NIC for exacqVision


This encoder requires the use of two IP addresses to view all 8 channels of video.  The first NIC allows access to channels 1-4 and the second NIC allows access to channels 5-8.  The following are instructions for enabling the 2nd NIC on the Vivotek VS8801 encoder.


Vivotek VS8801 Encoder
exacqVision Server


  • Enable the 2nd NIC by accessing the the following URL 
  • http://<ipaddress>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?network_openip2=1
  • Where <ipaddress> is the actual IP address of the encoder.
  • The web page should echo the command setting to confirm that it has been successfully set
  • Open the encoders web page
  • Navigate to network configuration and ensure that the second NIC is now available
  • Configure the 2nd NIC
  • The encoder can now be added in exacqVision using the first IP address for channels 1-4 and the 2nd IP address for channels 5-8. 

Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

exacqVision POS-ATM Information Guide


*This document applies to exacqVision 4.3 and later.

*Serial data can be received using RS-232, HTTP, or TCP/IP. The data must be in an un-encrypted ASCII format. Formatting such as .xml can be used, but the data cannot be parsed.

*If there are questions the data format, see sections 4 and 5.

exacqVision Serial Data Capabilities

  1. Serial data is captured in a line-by-line format. This imposes the following limitations:

    *Filtering cannot be done on a character basis.

    *Filtering characters on a line will filter out the whole line.
  2. It is preferable for each transaction type to have defined a Start of Transaction (SOT) and End of Transaction (EOT).

    *If no SOT and EOT are defined, entering “VOID” in the search serial box on the search cameras page will return only the line in each transaction where the “VOID” occurs instead of the whole transaction.

    *Characters defined as Line Feed, Form Feed, Carriage Return, and Vertical Tabulation cannot be used as the final character in an SOT, EOT, or mask.

    *Each transaction must have a beginning and end even if no SOT or EOT is defined. This means that each transaction must have an end-of-line character such as those listed in 2b.
  3. Event Key Words are not used for filtering. Key Words are used to trigger events defined in Event Linking.
  4. Live Display and Record Masks will filter out data that matches the string. However, the rules in Step 1 still apply.
  5. Character substitution is not available.


Configuring exacqVision

For information on how to setup the exacqVision system, open exacqVision Client. On the Serial Profile and Serial Ports pages, click on the Help button (or press F1).


Capturing and Analyzing IP Serial Data

Use Wireshark to verify a TCP/IP data stream for integration by completing the following steps:

  1. Perform a Wireshark capture on the network for the data stream going to the POS/ATM device. For information on capturing traces, see the exacqVision Wireshark Quick Start Guide (sec. 2) at
  2. Filter the data in the Wireshark trace based on the IP of the device you are interested in. Here is sample data from a Wireshark capture:

  3. In this example, legible text is displayed. This means that the data is un-encrypted.
  4. Look at the data and try to find areas that will work as an SOT and EOT. In the example shown, 701.42 (preceding the date) could be used to trigger the start of the transaction, and THANK YOU could be used to trigger the end of the transaction.


Capturing and Analyzing RS-232 Serial Data

The easiest way to analyze RS-232 serial data is to do the following:

  1. Create a profile in exacqVision Client that does not contain an SOT or EOT.
  2. Create a Serial Port with the proper settings to match the sending device.
  3. Connect the RS-232 ports between the sending device and the exacqVision server.
  4. In exacqVision Client Live View, drag the name of the Serial Port into the live view area.
  5. Execute a transaction and watch exacqVision Client. If you see legible text on the screen, that means the data is un-encrypted and can be used for integration. The following image shows an example of un-encrypted data.


To capture RS-232 serial data to be analyzed later, complete the following steps:

  1. Use a program such as Putty ( to capture the data on the sending device.
  2. Use a program such as Netcat ( to play back the file captured in step 1.
  3. The steps to display the data in exacqVision Client are the same as steps 1-5 at the start of this section.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client exacqVision Server Categories Products

How to export and import server configuration settings

To export and import an exacqVision system configuration and apply it to another exacqVision system, complete the following steps in exacqVision Client:



  1. Open the Configuration page by clicking the Config (Setup) Page button.
  2. Find the system name in the site navigation tree and select Configure System. If necessary, click the plus button next to the system name to display the Configure System option.
  3. Click Export Settings.
  4. Enter a name for the .config file and select a network location or portable drive to save it to.
  5. Click Save
  6. Click OK to acknowledge.


On the system where you would like to import the configuration, complete the following steps in exacqVision Client:


  1. Open the Configuration page by clicking the Config (Setup) Page button.
  2. Find the system name in the site navigation tree and select Configure System. If necessary, click the plus button next to the system name to display the Configure System option.
  3. Click Import Settings.
  4. Navigate to the network location or portable drive containing the .config file created in the first procedure.
  5. Select the file and click Open.
  6. Click OK to acknowledge.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

What is the difference between a Group and a View?

Views and Groups are similar in that both of them are logical groups cameras based on more than just the server they are connected to. The major difference is that a View also defines a layout of the cameras onscreen.  Because it specifies a layout, the maximum number of cameras in a View is limited to the maximum number of cameras that can be shown onscreen at once, whereas a Group does not have that restriction.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Enterprise Categories Products

Analog Boards Don’t Work after Upgrading Ubuntu

A directory must be created to make after upgrading Ubuntu. Run the following command in the Terminal:


sudo make /usr/local/xdvapi/modules


Then restart the services.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Why does my PTZ not work completely on the ACTi ACD2100 camera?

First, make sure that your Analog camera is using Pelco-D protocol and that its address is set to 1.


Also, in some versions of the exacqVision software, the speed is not correctly sent to the camera when using the Pan and Tilt functions. To fix this, adjust the speed bar under the Pan and Tilt controls.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Starting iSCSI on Startup with Linux Systems

After you reach the point where everything is logged in (you are able to type iscsiadm –m session and get output), following is the generic syntax:

iscsiadm -m node -T <targetname> -p <ip:port> –op update -n node.conn[0].startup -v automatic


The parameters between < and > are substitutions.

The syntax for persistent binding devices discovered on an internal connection under Ubuntu would look like this:

iscsiadm -m node -p –op update -n node.conn[0].startup -v automatic


Here’s a more complete breakout, with examples from another system with two volumes (vol1-test and vol2-test), each with two connection paths, to log in to:

root@xxx:/etc/iscsi# iscsiadm -m node -l

Login session [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]

Login session [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]

Login session [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]

Login session [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]


The following is used for persistent binding to just the first volume, by target name:

# iscsiadm -m node -T –op update -n node.conn[0].startup -v automatic

root@xxx:/etc/iscsi# /etc/init.d/open-iscsi restart

 * Disconnecting iSCSI targets                                                  Logout session [sid: 1, target:, portal:,3260]

Logout session [sid: 2, target:, portal:,3260]

Logout session [sid: 3, target:, portal:,3260]

Logout session [sid: 4, target:, portal:,3260]

                                                                         [ OK ]

 * Stopping iSCSI initiator service                                      [ OK ]

 * Starting iSCSI initiator service iscsid                               [ OK ]

 * Setting up iSCSI targets

Login session [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]

Login session [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]

                                                                         [ OK ]


NOTE: This just pulls in that target (vol1-test). Further, we could add by –p in a second operation and pull in one other connection that the above did not add, for vol2-test on an IP basis (or, if this were the first operation, it would have added one connection to each volume). To turn off automatic binding for a given connection, you would use –v manual instead of -v automatic.


Also, none of this takes effect until the iSCSI daemon is restarted.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Hardware

Enumerating more than Four Serial Ports in Linux

If a system is built with the Radisys motherboard or has two or more eDVR boards, there are more then four serial ports. However, Ubuntu 8.04 enumerates only four serial ports by default. To change the number of serial ports enumerated, complete the following steps:


  1. Edit menu.lst by typing sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
  2. Find the line that starts with # kopt= and ends with ro and add the following to the end: 8250.nr_uarts=16
  3. Save the file by pressing Ctrl-o and then Enter.
  4. Exit by pressing Ctrl-x.
  5. Execute the following command to refresh grub: sudo update-grub


NOTE: The first character in “lst” is the lowercase letter L and not the number 1.

