Upgrading exacqVision Hybrid Systems to 64-bit

exacqVision 6.8, introduced a 64-bit version of exacqVision software, which improves operating system memory management for environments with high input/output demands. The 64-bit version is supported only on systems with s7DVR and tDVR capture boards (it is not supported on systems with eDVR, s6DVR, or xSDVR boards). <br> On IP-only exacqVision systems running 64-bit Windows, simply download and… Continue reading Upgrading exacqVision Hybrid Systems to 64-bit

What is the Outbound Connections Tab?

The Outbound Connections tab allows you to connect to services outside the system’s network, such as when you run Enterprise System Manager or other services in a cloud environment. To use this feature, click Enabled, enter the address of the cloud service, and click Apply. If you use a domain name for the address, exacqVision uniquely identifies… Continue reading What is the Outbound Connections Tab?

Adding a Hot Spare to an exacqVision System with LSI RAID

Purpose: This article explains the process of adding a hot spare to an existing array. This guide assumes that a new drive is added to at least one unused drive bay for use as a hot spare. Close exacqVision client, log out of the user account, and log in to the admin account.Minimize exacqVision Client and… Continue reading Adding a Hot Spare to an exacqVision System with LSI RAID

Protecting Linux-based exacqVision Systems from the “Ghost” Vulnerability

A critical vulnerability, commonly called “Ghost,” allows attackers to execute malicious code on Linux-based systems. For details on this vulnerability, see http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/01/highly-critical-ghost-allowing-code-execution-affects-most-linux-systems/.The following versions of Ubuntu already include protection against the vulnerability: <br> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: libc6 2.15-0ubuntu10.10Ubuntu 10.04 LTS: libc6 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.20 <br> To determine the currently installed version of Ubuntu, enter the following command in… Continue reading Protecting Linux-based exacqVision Systems from the “Ghost” Vulnerability

exacqVision Installation Fails Because Existing exacqVision Client Instance Remains Open

All instances of exacqVision Client must be closed before successfully upgrading a client installation. The installer normally detects these instances and prompts the user to close them before proceeding. <br> If an exacqVision Client installation is configured to receive VideoPush information from another client, the exacqVision installer will not detect the open client instance. This… Continue reading exacqVision Installation Fails Because Existing exacqVision Client Instance Remains Open

Upgrading Enterprise System Manager 2.4 or Older Version to ESM 3.0

To upgrade Enterprise System Manager (ESM) 2.4 or older versions to ESM 3.0, you should first upgrade to ESM 2.6, and then install ESM 3.0. <br> If you have already tried to upgraded ESM 2.4 directly to 3.0 and it has failed, complete the following steps: <br> Close the installer. <br> Verify that ESM services… Continue reading Upgrading Enterprise System Manager 2.4 or Older Version to ESM 3.0

Replacing a Drive on an exacqVision System with an LSI RAID Controller

It is considered best practice to periodically check the health and status of exacqVision storage devices. If a device has failed, this guide explains the steps needed to replace that device using exacqVision Client and LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager. <br> Identify and Replace the Failed Drive <br> Add the New Drive to the Array <br>… Continue reading Replacing a Drive on an exacqVision System with an LSI RAID Controller

Archiving Status: Target File Write Stalled (Linux)

Starting in exacqVision 6.6, the Archiving page can report a status of Failed – Target File Write Stalled. This status is displayed after 15 minutes of inactivity during an active archive task. While in this condition, archiving is stalled and hardware monitoring is stopped, but video recording continues normally. This condition affects only Linux-based exacqVision… Continue reading Archiving Status: Target File Write Stalled (Linux)

Auto Export to a Network Share from Linux-based Exacq Server

To configure auto export from a Linux-based Exacq Server to a network share, complete the following steps: (Windows procedure here)<br><br> NOTE: For Linux-based systems, this procedure is available in exacqVision Server/Client version 6.6 and later.<br><br> To remove the network target, complete the following steps: <br>