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Author: Lauren McTeague
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iOS Mobile App unable to connect to web services using HTTP domain name
Issue With the 20.09 release of Exacq Mobile 3, iOS users are unable to connect to web services if using a domain and HTTP (e.g. This does not affect other routes for connecting to the web service: TLS (HTTPS) and IP-based connections will work as normal. <br> Workaround <br> Version Affected Exacq Mobile 3,… Continue reading iOS Mobile App unable to connect to web services using HTTP domain name
Illustra Flex 16MP Multisensor camera stutters in Live mode
Issue Video from the Illustra Flex 16MP Multisensor camera “stutters” in Live mode. This “stuttering” presents as live video movement with periodic frame freezes followed by a quick catch-up to live video. Play back of recorded video from the same streams presents no problems or “stuttering”. This is due to a burst-like nature of streaming… Continue reading Illustra Flex 16MP Multisensor camera stutters in Live mode
Notification Emails May Not Contain Weblink
Issue When a Weblink is configured in the body of a notification email, it may just show “Connected to Web Server” instead of providing an actual link. Workaround Check the Attach Preview checkbox on the notification profile. Version Affected ExacqVision Server 19.09 Version Fixed ExacqVision Server 19.12 <br>
EOL exacqVision Virtual Appliance (EVA) Migration Guide
Exacq will be dropping support for exacqVision Virtual as of 2019. Virtualized exacqVision server software is supported on the following platforms in virtualized environment. ExacqVision fully support only the below O.S. distributions. EVA to Windows Distribution There is no clear migration path from an EVA appliance to a Windows based O.S. The Linux file system… Continue reading EOL exacqVision Virtual Appliance (EVA) Migration Guide
DVI Output not Available on 4U/RAID exacqVision A-Series Systems
The DVI output on exacqVision systems with RAID controller cards might be deactivated on systems manufactured before 2011. This applied to all 4U and RAID exacqVision A-Series systems manufactured during that period. For those systems, you must use the VGA output when connecting a monitor.