The ExacqVision Client creates temporary files to locally store searched audio, video, and exported files. Temporary files are created in a directory specified by an environment variable. The following environment variables are searched in order to determine the path: TEMPDIR, TMP, TEMP, USERPROFILE. On systems built after May 2018, these environmental variables usually point to… Continue reading Temporary File Location
Author: Bhargav Atturu
Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)
The validation standard used in ExacqVision is known as HMAC, for Hashed Message Authentication Code, and uses a cryptographic hash and secret cryptographic key. HMAC is used by ExacqVision to verify the integrity of exported video. The ExacqVision Client software calculates and writes out the message authentication code (MAC) during file export. The ExacqVision ePlayer… Continue reading Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)
Get the Monitor Size (resolution) Back for Linux Sy stems
The monitor can get stuck in 640*480 mode if the system is booted with no monitor connected. To get the monitor size back for Linux systems, complete the following steps after opening Terminal: Type cd /etc/X11Type sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.bak.confRestart the system with a monitor attached. <br>
Configuring ExacqVision Web Services on a Linux system (Legacy)
Versions 2.10 to 7.8 To configure exacqVision Web Services older than version 7.8 on a Linux system, complete the following steps (instructions for previous versions can be found at the end of this article): <br> <br> Versions 2.10 or earlier To configure exacqVision Web Service version 2.10 or earlier on a Linux system, complete the… Continue reading Configuring ExacqVision Web Services on a Linux system (Legacy)
Disabling a Drive via XML (Windows)
To disable a drive in a Windows exacqVision Server via XML, complete the following steps: <br> Before editing any configuration files directly, stop your exacqVision Server. Open Control Panel and then the Administrative tools (you might have to select Classic View to see the option).Open the Services link and find exacqVision Server. Right-click and select… Continue reading Disabling a Drive via XML (Windows)
Changing the Default Export Location
On a Windows-based Exacq NVR, video exported from the exacqVision Client is saved by default to the “exacqVision Files” directory in Documents for the current Windows user. A Windows user logged as a Kiosk user, or logged in to a restricted operating system account cannot select a different directory when saving the exported file, but Windows… Continue reading Changing the Default Export Location
H.264 General Information Only (Axis Do Not Share)
AXIS Camera Cannot be Found Using Find IP Cameras
Many switches and routers have a feature called IGNP Snooping that can interfere with Find IP Cameras. If all other troubleshooting procedures for finding AXIS IP cameras fail, change the IGNP Snooping setting on the switch or router. Then try Find IP Cameras again. <br>
Enabling Font Smoothing
Operating systems display text in the form of glyphs. You can view these on Windows systems using the included Character Map tool. Each character is a glyph; a visual set of pixels that represents a character. While this method is easy to display, it could result in text with a “jagged” appearance depending on your… Continue reading Enabling Font Smoothing
Time Settings and Time Zone Information
Background Information The Windows or Linux (Ubuntu) operating system time of your exacqVision Server host should be set to the local time and time zone where it is located. It is often desirable to synchronize the system to a central time server, rather than rely on the internal clock of the recording server. There are… Continue reading Time Settings and Time Zone Information