Downgrading Software on Ubuntu/Linux OS

Ubuntu/Linux uses the ‘gdebi’ package installer to run .DEB packages. This will automatically check if you are attempting to install an older package than is already installed and warn you if a newer version is already installed. If you choose to downgrade the version of your ExacqVision Server, Client, or Web Service software you will need to perform this from the Terminal.


If you don’t already have the installer for the previous version you want to change to, you may locate these on our Legacy Downloads page.

  1. Copy the installer of your desired software version to the Desktop.<br><br>
  2. Open Terminal by pressing CTRL+ALT+T.<br><br>
  3. Type the following:
    sudo dpkg -i /pathtofile/filename

    In the place of pathtofile, enter the file path and in the place of filename enter the name of your installer file.
    • An example line would look like: 
      sudo dpkg -i /home/admin/Desktop/exacqVisionServer-<br><br>
  4. Press Enter and ‘dpkg’ will perform the install of the previous version, replacing the later version.
