Common Linux CLI Commands (Terminal)

Download the latest release

Use the ‘wget‘ command followed by the URL for each exacqVision application:



Web Service


Install the latest release

Use the ‘dpkg’ package manager to install exacqVision packages after downloading using the ‘wget‘ commands above.

dpkg -i exacqVisionServer.deb

dpkg -i exacqVisionClient.deb

Web Service
dpkg -i exacqVisionWebService.deb


Check available hard drive space

Use the ‘disk free’ command. Disk partitions used by exacqVision are usually labeled with their mount points as /mnt/edvr/1, 2, 3, and so on.

df -h


Check if exacqVision Server is running

Use the ‘process status’ command to list running processes followed by the ‘grep’ command to filter results to ‘core’ which is the name of the exacqVision Server process.

ps auxw | grep core


Stop the exacqVision Server service

Use either of the following commands:

  • sudo service edvrserver stop
  • sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver stop


Start the exacqVision Server service:

Use either of the following commands:

  • sudo service edvrserver start
  • sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver start


Stop the exacqVision Web Service

sudo /usr/local/exacq/webservice/ stop


Start the exacqVision Web service

sudo /usr/local/exacq/webservice/ start


List server log files

Log files are titled by date.

ls /usr/local/exacq/server/logs/


View a log file

Replace *filename* with the name of the log file you wish to open.

sudo less /usr/local/exacq/server/logs/*filename*


Compress a server log file to send to support

Replace *filename* with the name of the log file you wish to compress.

tar -cvjf log.tar.bz2 /usr/local/exacq/server/logs/*logfilename*


Compress all server log files to send to support

tar -cvjf logs.tar.bz2 /usr/local/exacq/server/logs


Open log file to show new entries as they are written

Replace *filename* with the name of the log file for the current date.

tail -n 25 -f /usr/local/exacq/server/logs/*filename*

Stop the update and return to a command prompt by pressing CTRL+C.

Note: The number after “-n” allows the number of lines displayed to be adjusted. (25 lines in this case)


Check for a mounted data drive



Edit the Web Service config file

The command used will depend on the version of the web service used on the NVR.

9.6+          sudo nano /etc/webservice/wfe.json

9.0 – 9.4   sudo nano /etc/webservice/webservice.conf

1.x – 8.8   sudo nano /etc/webservice.conf

Note: Press CTRL+X to exit. This will prompt to save changes.


List PCI Devices in System (Capture Boards, Sound Card, Video Card)



List Motherboard BIOS information

sudo dmidecode


Show routing table

route -n

On newer OS’s if route is not installed by default, you may use ip.

ip route list


Add a static route

Setting static routes may be necessary when you have two or more networks that your computer needs to send traffic to. Most devices only connect to one network and all network traffic is routed to the default gateway, which is a router that chooses where to forward traffic to next. When you add more static routes, it adds more gateways. This will tell the system to send data you know is destined for a specific network to a chosen router instead of the default.

Replace NETWORK with the target network IP. Replace NETMASK and GATEWAY with the respective network mask and gateway IP address.

sudo route add -net NETWORK netmask NETMASK gw GATEWAY

Example: sudo route add -net netmask gw

On newer OS’s if route is not installed by default, you may use ip. Replace CIDR with the CIDR notation for the netmask and INTERFACE with the name of the network interface.

sudo ip route add NETWORK/CIDR dev INTERFACE

Example: sudo ip route add dev eth0


Local Commands

Change Screen Resolution for the User profile

Press CTRL+ALT+F3.

Log in as user and run the following 2 commands:

  1. export DISPLAY=:0.0
  2. gnome-display-properties

Press CTRL+ALT+F7.
