Q Series Units Using KVM Switch Showing No Display on Boot Up and when switching between units.

This is for a specific customer that was reporting issues with Q series units using a KMV Startech Switch-Model SV431USB.
The customer experiences NO DISPLAY on the monitor on boot. They also exhibit no display when switching the source at the switch from a windows based unit back to the Q Series.
Tickets: 22721 and 23035.

Testing results:
14.04 <== won’t remediate – end users will have to re-image with 18.04 key.
16.04 <== won’t remediate – end users will have to re-image with 18.04 key.
2019-03 = first 18.04 with golden image:
* Note that you’ll get a warning “old exacqdeploy package post-removal script sub process returned error exit 1”, but this is ok. Ignore it. This warning unfortunately cannot be suppressed.
2019-12 = first 18.04 with packer image:
Verified at version 19.06.4 and newer.
Verified 20.09.1
2021-03 = final 18.04-based key.
Verified 21.03.5.
If they are on a version older than 19.06.4 they will need to update to at least 19.06.4 or update to the latest release. Do not use this if they are on Ubuntu 14.06 or 16.04.

The URL below will allow you to download the .DEB file. That can be transferred to the local NVR and ran on Ubuntu 18.04 servers with at least 19.06.4 Server installed.


  1. Download the file.
    2.) You will have to put the file on the desktop of the NVR and then open terminal and run the following 2 commands.
    cd /home/admin/Desktop (press enter)
    sudo dpkg -i exacqdeploy_21.06.116.0_all.deb (press enter)
  2. Restart the machine.