How to force disk check (fsck) in Linux.

One way to determine if the drive is failing in Linux is to run the following command in the terminal

dmesg | less 

This should give you an error list you can scroll through for read/write errors.  
If you see a problem on a data drive perform the following:

  1. Stop the exacq vision server service
    sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver stop<br><br>
  2. Unmount the drive that is having trouble
    sudo umount /dev/sdb1<br><br>
  3. Run file system check on that drive
    sudo fsck -f -y /dev/sdb1<br><br>
  4. Reboot the system.

If the problem shows on the master drive you will need to do the following:

  1. Login as the root<br><br>
  2. Change directory to root (/) directory
    cd / <br><br>
  3. Create a file called forcefsck
    touch /forcefsck <br><br>
  4. Now reboot the system

The system should run the disk check when it boots back up in to the operating system.