Arecont 3115: No Video Found on Search

Description: Arecont 3-Megapixel cameras (such as 3115DN) can display live video with a blue or green border as if they are recording, along with the correct time and date, without returning search results for the video. If this occurs, an error message similar to the following is displayed in the log:

10/17/2012 11:25:39 AM PSFPI Error
ps file write D:\2012\10\17\11\ error -1

 Disable Extended Motion Detection in the camera’s web page. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to the camera using a web browser.
  2. Select the Motion_detector tab.
  3. Deselect Extended Motion Detection, as shown in the image below. (If the checkbox is greyed out, deselect Enable Motion Detector, then deselect Extended Motion Detection, and then select Enable Motion Detector.)
  4. Click the Exit button and close the web browser page.
  5. On the server’s Add IP Cameras page in exacqVision Client, disconnect and then reconnect the camera.
  6. A few minutes after the camera reconnects, the video should start recording. Run another search to verify that the expected search results appear.