Which MAC address can I license?

Which Network Interface Card can I license?

The exacqVision software reads the MAC addresses for all network interfaces seen by the computer’s operating system and verifies that the license file matches the MAC address from one of the enabled NICs.

For more information on licenses, see:
How is ExacqVision NVR software licensed?

NOTE: The interface with the licensed MAC address must be enabled in the operating system.


What If my NIC’s are Bonded or Teamed?

You can still license the MAC address of any one of the NIC’s installed on the system including the MAC of the Bonded/Teamed NIC.


Can I license a virtual MAC address?

Yes, you can license any Network Interface Card or Virtual MAC address.

NOTE: If using VMware ESXi virtual environment, it is advised that when initially configuring this environment in order to host exacqVision systems – that a unique ID be configured for this environment (also known as “vCenter Server instance ID”). It is advised to not leave these on default settings for the locally administered MAC addresses – as these may already be in use. Leaving this on the default settings will generate MAC addresses for these virtual machines that may match systems already licensed for exacqVision use, causing potential licensing conflict.


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