Frequent Restarts on Linux Systems Archiving over Slow Network

Linux-based exacqVision servers could reboot frequently in certain conditions:

  1. Linux operating system
  2. Active hardware monitoring
  3. Archiving over a slow network (WAN or other network with limited resources)

This issue was fixed in version, and it is available in public release 6.4.

To work around this issue in affected versions, complete the following steps to configure an archiving SMB share:

  1. In exacqVision Client, delete the currently enabled archive task. DO NOT disable the archive target.
  2. Open the /etc/fstab file on the server for editing.
  3. Locate the line with mount paths for the archive target.
  4. Add a flag to the comma-separated section of the line specifying other flags (normally, this should immediately follow rw). The flag added depends on the Linux kernel version used:

    Linux kernel 3.0-3.1 (archiving performance will be impacted)

    // /mnt/ cifs _netdev,username=admin,password=admin256,rw,forcedirectio 0 0

    Linux kernel 3.2-3.7 (archiving performance will NOT be impacted if oplocks are supported on the archive target)

    // /mnt/ cifs _netdev,username=admin,password=admin256,rw,strictcache 0 0

    Linux kernel 3.8 and later

    // /mnt/ cifs _netdev,username=admin,password=admin256,rw,cache=strict 0 0
  5. Save the changes to the /etc/fstab file.
  6. Via shell terminal, execute umount [share path]. For example:

    sudo umount /mnt/
  7. Via shell terminal, execute sudo mount -a.
  8. Verify that step 5 was implemented correctly by executing cat /proc/mounts in the shell terminal and locating the line corresponding to the share (such as “directio” if you used the forcedirectio option for kernel 3.0-3.1).
  9. In exacqVision Client, re-create the archive task.