Non-RAID A-Series Systems with LSI HBA Should Have Adjacent Drive Placement

The new F2A, A-Series chassis models will have front-loading drive bays. The front-loading bays will resemble the Z-Series, but these drives are not hot-swappable. 

This new model is a 2U chassis with 2 rows of drive bays in 4 columns for a total of 8 drive bays. 

Bay 1Bay 2Bay 3Bay 4
Bay 5Bay 6Bay 7Bay 8

In a system that is half-full, the example below will display correctly in the client’s Storage > Hardware page.

HD 1HD 2HD 3HD 4

The following example will erroneously appear the same way in the client but should not. 


Currently the server cannot recognize gaps. This is not an issue for older A-Series systems where the hard drives are connected to the motherboard or SIIG HBA.

Field techs should be advised to always keep hard disks “packed” together and avoid such gaps between drives.