Motion and input trigger events stop working for Illustra cameras

Affected platforms

exacqVision Server 5.10 or later with Illustra cameras using the Illustra3 plugin



When exacqVision reconnects to an Illustra camera during a stream restart, the socket connection communicating motion events and input trigger events could fail. If this happens, exacqVision will stop processing motion events and input trigger events.

This is caused by the camera responding with an error when the plugin requests the metadata stream URL after the stream restart. If the camera is not yet ready to respond and sends an error to the plugin, the plugin will no longer try to re-establish the connection.



Two possible workarounds:

  1. Disable and then enable the camera connection.
  2. Edit and save the motion mask of the camera.



Fixed in exacqVision Server 7.4 and above