How to Update 2TB WD Firmware


  1. Download the OS-appropriate WD_x compressed file (Windows or Linux) to the desktop.


  2. Uncompress the file

    Right click and choose “Extract All…”

    Open Terminal and type sudo tar -xvf WD_Linux.tar.gz
  3. Stop the exacqVision Server service.
  4. Open a Command Prompt or Terminal and navigate to the WD_x folder.
  5. The process varies here, depending on the OS. In the Command Prompt or Terminal, type:
    WD_download.exe RR04.pkg

    sudo chmod 775
    sudo ./ RR04.pkg
  6. Note: All drives should state they have RR02 as their firmware. Type all and then press Enter to apply the firmware to all drives.
  7. When the process completes, type WD_download.exe -list and confirm the firmware is now RR04. Type sudo ./ -list in Linux.
  8. Start the exacqVision Server service.


Additional Information:

These steps only apply under the following conditions

  1. The drives are 2TB Western Digital Re Enterprise (Black) models connected via an LSI 9271-8i controller. This will only occur in select 4U A-Series models and any Z-Series model of server. Check BBE for drive model before attempting to update firmware.
  2. The drives have RR02 as their firmware. If the system or firmware is not found in BBE, use the WD_download.exe -list command in Windows or sudo ./ -list command in Linux. Elevating the .sh file in Linux with chmod must still occur before it will operate correctly.
  3. CAUTION: Do not attempt to use this firmware on other drive families or capacities as it will not resolve the issue and may cause drive failure.
  4. In some instances, there may be a mix of drives that do not have the RR02 firmware. In these cases, you can select the individual drive ports in the command line, i.e. 1,5,17 instead of all.