For some more advanced settings/options on ESM, navigate to ESM installer directory/folder. Here on the commandline as an admin user, you can use the installer.exe (windows), or installer executable for different actions.
Check/Change database settings
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer decrypt (will generate EnterpriseManager.tmp – View or change settings here)
- sudo ./installer encrypt (do this only if you changed settings)
- installer.exe decrypt (will generate EnterpriseManager.tmp – View or change settings here)
- installer.exe encrypt (do this only if you changed settings)
Encrypt Results:
- -3: EnterpriseManager.tmp does not exist in the current directory
- -2: The tmp file could not be opened
- -1: EnterpriseManager.ini could not be opened
- 0: EnterpriseManager.ini has been created in the current directory
Delete the EngerpriseManager.tmp file.
Note: If you have changed database settings. Restart all esm services. Preferably, starting with the importer Verify ESM is functioning as expected.
Test Migrations
(checks conditions for running a migration and returns an integer value)
Commands to run:
- sudo ./instaler testmigration (Linux)
- instaler testmigration (Windows)
- -3: no default database connectivity
- -2: nolegacy database connectivity
- -1: migration has already ran
- -0: it is okay to run a migration if wanted
Run database migrations
(runs the actual migration and returns an integer value)
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer runmigration (Linux)
- sudo ./installer runmigration (Windows)
- -1: migration succeeded
Run ESM diagnostics
Currently this will run diagnostics for Email and Domain server connectivity
Commands to run:
- sudo installer diagnostic (Linux)
- installer.exe diagnostic (Windows)
Update the haystack search indexes
(adds missing entries)
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer update_index (Linux)
- sudo ./installer update_index (Linux)
Test connectivity to the given database
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer testconnection (Linux)
- installer.exe testconnection (Windows)
Test the given port for availability
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer testport [port] (Linux)
- installer.exe testport [port] (Windows)
- -1: no connectivity
- 0: in use
Test the given SSL port for availability
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer testsslport [port] (Linux)
- installer.exe testsslport [port] (Windows)
- -1: no connectivity
- 0: in use
Get an available port starting at startport
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer getfreeport [startport] (Linux)
- installer getfreeport [startport] (Windows)
Get an available SSL port starting at startport
Commands to run:
- sudo ./installer getfreesslport [startport] (Linux)
- installer getfreesslport [startport] (Windows)