Enterprise Manager Updating Java Version in Solr


Enterprise Manager uses a package called Solr which in turn uses Java.  Currently, we do not offer an update path for Solr that will update the Java version.  The following instructions can be used if the need arises were Java needs to be updated.  


Windows 64-bit

  • Assumes EM is installed at C:\program files\exacqVision\EnterpriseManager for Windows 64 bit
  • Download the 64 bit JRE for Windows from the Oracle website
  • Shut down all enterprise manager services
  • Shut down solrApache service
  • Shut down solrJetty service
  • Rename the existing java folder to java.old inside C:\Program Files\exacqVision\EnterpriseManager\apache_solr\
  • cd to the path where the jre.exe is located
  • Execute the following command

jre-8u231-windows-x64.exe /s INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\exacqVision\EnterpriseManager\apache_solr\java" STATIC=1

  • This command does not block until installation is complete, but if you cd to the install dir, you will notice the new java folder getting created, and new JRE installed to it.
  • There is no accurate way to determine whether installation has completed, so please check if the jre.exe process is running in task manager.
  • Once the installation is complete, start all the enterprise manager services, solrApache and solrJetty.
  • Perform a sanity check of the installation by accessing the Solr home page and making sure it loads,  and is able to query successfully with pre-existing data.
  • Remove the renamed folder java.old 

Windows 32-bit

  • Assumes EM is installed at C:\exacqVisionEM for Windowx 32 bit installation
  • Download the 32-bit jre from Oracle website
  • Shut down all enterprise manager services
  • Shut down solrApache service
  • Shut down solrJetty service
  • Rename the existing java folder to java.old inside C:\exacqVisionEM\apache_solr
  • Execute the following command to update jre

jre-8u231-windows-i586.exe /s INSTALLDIR="C:\exacqVisionEM\apache_solr\java" STATIC=1

  • This command does not block until installation is complete, but if you cd to the install dir, you  will notice the new java folder getting created, and new JRE installed to it
  • There is no accurate way to determine whether installation has completed, so please check if  the jre.exe process is running in task manager.
  • Once the installation is complete, start all the enterprise manager services, solrApache and  solrJetty.
  • Perform a sanity check of the installation by accessing the Solr home page and making sure it  loads, and is able to query successfully with pre-existing data.
  • Remove the java.old renamed folder

Linux 32 and 64-bit

  • Download the appropriate jre-linux-x64.tar.gz or jre-linux-i586.tar.gz from Oracle website
  • Shut down all enterprise manager services
  • On linux stopping enterprise-webservice will also stop apache and solr servers
  • rename the existing java directory to java.old
  • Assuming EM is located at /usr/local/exacq/esm
  • Extract the jre-linux-*.tar.gz to the enterprise manager install dir

sudo tar -zxf jre-linux-*.tar.gz -C /usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr

  • Rename the extracted dir from jre-* to java
  • Remove the renamed folderjava.old