LDAP user First time logging in from client to ESM results in Error


From the client’s “Synchronize with ESM” page, using an LDAP username and password results in ‘Check your URL’ error. This happens even though the LDAP domain and group associations (with ESM access) is correctly configured on ESM.


Tested version






Steps to reproduce

  • Create a domain and associations on ESM with “ESM access” enabled
  • From client’s “Synchronize with ESM” page, use a username and password belonging to the LDAP domain
  • Click Apply


Expected result

The client shows ‘Connected’ and downloads the server list from ESM.


Actual result

The client shows ‘Check your URL’ error message dialog box.


Work around

The work around is to attempt the same action twice from the client. The client does not enable the ‘Apply’ button unless one of the parameters changes. So in order to attempt the same action again, the user will have to modify one of the parameters and revert it back.

Another option is to login to ESM using the same credentials and then attempt to do the sync action from client.