Temporary File Location

The ExacqVision Client creates temporary files to locally store searched  audio, video, and exported files. Temporary files are created in a directory specified by an environment variable. The following environment  variables are searched in order to determine the path: TEMPDIR, TMP, TEMP,  USERPROFILE.

On systems built after May 2018, these environmental variables usually point to a file location within the C:\ Primary partition on Windows systems. Windows systems built prior to this date would have a 30 GB partition on the first physical disk for the purpose of storing the temporary file directory.

If the allotted space is not sufficient for your searching and exporting requirements, you can move the temporary directory to another location. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Run Start, Settings, Control Panel, System.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Click the Environment Variables button.
  4. Edit the first of the variables listed above to point to your new location.
  5. Restart ExacqVision Client.
