Axis cameras may stop detecting motion on firmware update

Axis is making the transition on the camera motion detection engine from VMD1 to VMD4. VMD1 is the motion detection engine that Axis plugin has been supporting. Starting with camera Firmware 6.50, motion detection application VMD4 is pre-installed on the camera. Compatible Cameras with earlier firmware versions could also load VMD4 application and get the same functionalities. For now, both VMD1 and VMD4 are supported from the firmware, except configuration GUI for VMD1 has been deprecated from the camera web page with firmware 6.50 and only CGI is supported. Axis also plans to eliminate VMD1 support in a future firmware release and will moved to using only VMD4.

Here is what we expect with Axis support starting with server version 9.0

*From a server upgrade with existing Axis cameras already using VMD1

— Axis plugin will continue to support VMD1 configuration and handle VMD1 events as motion.

*new Axis cameras connecting to the server.

— For cameras with VMD4 support (without VMD1 or VMD4 configured), the plugin will default to using VMD4 for motion detection. VMD4 configuration will be supported from exacqvision client (after server 9.0).

— Cameras with older firmware without VMD4 loaded will be supported with VMD1.

— Cameras with VMD4 but have existing VMD1 motion region configured on the camera will be defaulted to using VMD1.

Any cameras with both VMD1 and VMD4 support can be defaulted to using either one by clearing all VMD1 motion regions to use VMD4. Or removing the VMD4 application will also default it back to using VMD1.

Another way to restore back to using VMD1 without removing VMD4 app is first disable VMD4 from the camera web page. Create a dummy default VMD1 motion window from the “Plain Config” and “Motion” group section in the advance setting of the camera web page. Add camera to ExacqVision.

VMD4 motion configuration will not be supported in exacqvision client only when connected in HTTPS mode. The work around is to configure motion on the camera if the user wants to connect with HTTPS. The plugin would handle VMD4 motion events as normal.
