How do I check the software subscription on my ExacqVision Server?

The following methods allow you to examine a system’s license details and SSA expiration:

Using the Systems page (Multiple Systems)

  1. With the ExacqVision Desktop Client software open, click the ‘Gear’ icon to enter Configuration mode.<br><br>
  2. Select the Systems node from the top of the left-hand navigation tree.<br><br>
  3. Scroll to view the License column, describing the functional level, and the Subscription column, displaying the SSA status.
  4. Optional – Use the Export Licenses button to export your system list to provide to your Dealer to request an SSA extension. <br><br>

Using the Configure System page (Single System)

  1. With the ExacqVision Desktop Client software open, click the ‘Gear’ icon to enter Configuration mode.<br><br>
  2. From the left-hand navigation panel, expand the node with your server name.<br><br>
  3. Highlight Configure System nested beneath the server name in the tree.<br><br>
  4. Click the System tab from the top of the Configure System page.<br><br>
  5. Below the License key field is the Status, describing the system’s functional level, and the Subscription Expires field, displaying the SSA status.

Using the SSA tools on

  1. Navigate to
  2. If looking up a single recorder, enter the license key or licensed MAC address. This will report the number of licensed channels and the functional level as well as the SSA expiration.

    Continuing by completing the form will assist you in obtaining quotes for changes and updates.<br><br>
  3. If looking up multiple recorders, you may upload an exported CSV file of systems, or enter a list of system serial numbers or MAC addresses.<br><br>
  4. In the resulting table you may view the License Level for each system as well as the Original SSA expiration date.

    Continuing with the form will assist you in obtaining quotes for SSA extensions or adding IP channel licenses.