Installing storcli on a Cloudvue Gateway


In order to interact with the RAID controller on a Cloudvue Gateway you must first install storcli.


  • Cloudvue Gateway with RAID Controllers



Confirm RAID Controller Present

Use lshw to determine if a RAID Controller is present. If no results are returned then there is no RAID controller detected, thus no reason to proceed.

sudo lshw | grep -i RAID

Verify storcli is Not Installed

The following commands can be used to determine if storcli has already been installed.

which storcli
sudo find / -name storcli

Install storcli

Prep and Download Package

Update Ubunutu and download storcli

sudo apt update
mkdir Downloads
cd Downloads/

Install unzip

Install unzip and unzip storcli

sudo apt install unzip
cd storcli_All_OS/

Install Alien and storcli

Alien is a command line package converter. It is used to convert the storcli rpm package downloaded earlier to a deb package allowing us to install storcli using dpkg.

sudo apt install alien
cd Linux
sudo alien --scripts storcli-1.23.02-1.noarch.rpm
sudo dpkg -i storcli_1.23.02-2_all.deb

Setup Symbolic Link

For ease of use find the storcli install and then create symbolic linking allowing the storcli to be launched from any folder.

sudo find / -name storcli
cd /opt/MegaRAID/storcli
sudo ln -s /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /usr/local/sbin/storcli

Verify Installation

Use the which and find commands to confirm that storcli is installed.

which storcli

sudo find / -name storcli

Common storcli Commands

While there are many storcli command the following are typically the most useful when analyzing the current state of the array and physical drives

Silencing the Alarm

sudo storcli /c0 set alarm=silence

Show an Overview

sudo storcli show all

Show Detailed info for a specific controller

sudo storcli /c0 show

Show Details For All Physical Drives

sudo storcli /c0 /eall /sall show all

Additional StorCLI Controller Commands can be found on Broadcoms website at