Thin Client Buffers When Searching at 16x’s and Higher Speeds


When watching search back in the Exacq WebService Thin Client at high speeds for longer duration’s the search will skip to the end of the search results. This results in a black screen after being able to view the searched contents and scrubbing the video at 16x’s speed and higher.


exacqVision Web Service through

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Search a time range of 2 hours using the web client.
  2. Video will play back from the search results.
  3. Scrub the video at 16x speed to 32x speed and the search marker will skip to the end of the search content.

Expected Results

Users should be able to scrub the entirety of the the searched content with no skipping.

Actual Results

The playback scrubber/cursor skips to the end time of the search content, displaying a black box.


A fix was introduced in branch build exacqVision Web Service (x64).
Please contact technical support for assistance on installing this build.
A Permanent fix will be in our March 2024 Release. Version 24.03.