HTTP Response Code Reference

Code Description Definition Exacq Tips
100 Continue Server received request, client should continue.
101 Switching Protocols Response to upgrade header
102 Processing Server processing received request.
103 Early Hints Used with link header.
Allows browser to preload resources.
200 OK Standard response for successful request.
Meaning varies based on method (GET, POST, etc).
201 Created New resource successfully created.
Usually in response to PUT or POST request.
202 Accepted Request accepted but still in progress.
203 Non-Authoritative Info Data returned isn’t from the origin server.
Modified data from third-party.
204 No Content Request successful but there is no content.
205 Reset Content Request successful, server asked to reset doc.
206 Partial Content Server delivered part of the resource.
Used with range header.
207 Multi-Status Provides status of multiple resources with sub-requests.
208 Already Reported Members of element already reported.
226 IM Used Server completed GET request.
300 Multiple Choices Request has more than one possible response.
User should choose one.
301 Moved Permanently Requested resource has permanently moved
to a new URL.
302 Found Requested resource temporarily moved to new URL.
303 See Other Server redirects user to requested resource
with GET request to another URL.
304 Not Modified Used for caching. Response unmodified so client can use cached version of resource.
307 Temporary Redirect Requested resource temporarily moved to new URL.
308 Permanent Redirect Requested resource permanently moved to new URL.
Client Error
400 Bad Request Server can’t or won’t process request due to client error.
401 Unauthorized User doesn’t have valid credentials to get requested
Invalid username or password
403 Forbidden Client doesn’t have access rights to content.
Unlike 401, the server does know client’s identity.
404 Not Found Server can’t find requested resource. No redirection set. Request Not Found
The device didn’t understand the request.
May be caused by untested device or firmware.
405 Method Not Allowed Server supports request method, but target doesn’t.
406 Not Acceptable Server doesn’t find content satisfies criteria given by user.
407 Proxy Authentication Required Similar to 401, but proxy must authenticate to client.
408 Request Timeout Server times out because client didn’t issue request
in a timely manner.
409 Conflict Server can’t fulfill request due to conflict with resource.
410 Gone Requested content has been removed.
411 Length Required Server rejection becauce it requires defined
content-length header field.
412 Precondition Failed Client has precondition headers the server does not meet.
413 Payload Too Large Client request larger than server limits, so server
refuses to process request.
414 URI Too Long Requested URI is too long for server to process.
415 Unsupported Media Type Request uses media format unsupported by server.
416 Range Not Satisfiable Server can’t fulfill value in request’s range header.
417 Expectation Failed Server can’t meet requirements of expect header in request.
421 Misdirected Request Request made to server that can’t produce response.
422 Unprocessable Content Server unable to process request due to semantic errors.
423 Locked Requested resource method is locked to be inaccessible.
424 Failed Dependency Request failed because a previous request it is dependent on also failed.
425 Too Early Server is unwilling to process request that may be delayed.
426 Upgrade Required Server refuses request using current protocol version.
428 Precondition Required Server needs request to be conditional.
429 Too Many Requests User has sent too many requests within allotted time.
431 Request Header Fields Too Large Server can’t process request because headers are too large.
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Server can’t legally provide requested resource.
Server Error
500 Internal Server Error Server encountered unexpected error and cannot
complete the request.
Device reporting an error.
The device has reported that it has encountered an error.
501 Not Implemented Server doesn’t recognize the request method.
502 Bad Gateway Server acts as a gateway and gets invalid response from inbound host.
503 Service Unavailable Server is unable to process request.
Often occurs if server is overloaded or down.
Device Unavailable.
The device is currently unable to process this request.
504 Gateway Timeout Server acting as a gateway or proxy has timed out
waiting for response.
505 HTTP Version Unsupported Server doesn’t support the version of HTTP request.
506 Variant Also Negotiates Server has internal configuration error.
507 Insufficient Storage Server can’t process request because it doesn’t
have enough storage space.
508 Loop Detected Server detected infinite loop while processing request.
510 Not Extended Further extensions required for request.
511 Network Authentication Required Client needs to gain network access.
