FFNI on stream %1 – %2

FFNI on stream %1 – %2


FFNI indicates First Frame Not I-frame. The psfpi plugin cannot start recording on a P/B-frame since these cannot be decoded. The FFNI metrics/logging is accounting for the fact that frames were dropped. Possible symptom is “smearing” of video occasionally “snapping” back to clear image. The stream ID will determine if it is video, audio, primary, or secondary. This may occur normally on initial connection upon starting the server service, startup, or when re-enabling a stream. If it is persistent during normal system operation it indicates a problem.%BR%%BR%

%1 – Stream ID%BR%

%2 – Device Name%BR%


  • Enabling debugging logs on core may reveal further details.%BR%
  • In the case where huge key frames may be dropped, this may be examined by exporting the video in PS format then examining in psexplorer.