Enabling Exacq Mobile 3 Push Notifications

Push notifications provide the ability to alert users of events even when they do not have the Exacq Mobile 3 app open.

There are two options for Push Notifications, those triggered by camera analytics and analytic appliances, and those triggered by other types of events, which require the use of Event Monitoring. Both options are covered below.<br><br>


Exacq Mobile 3 app version 7.2 or higher
exacqVision Web Service version 7.2 or higher<br><br>


1. Enable the Web Service Power User Process

  1. Using the exacqVision Client, create a Power User account on the exacqVision Server from the Users page.

    You will need this account to connect the web service to the server with proper privileges. You may name the account as desired, but the User Role should be Power User.
  2. Login to the exacqVision Web Service Administration page.<br><br>
  3. Navigate to the Server Connections page.
  4. Edit the Server Connection for the system you wish to receive Push Notifications from.<br><br>
  5. Enable the Power User Process control and enter the Power User Username and Password you created in Step 1. Click Apply when done.
  6. Using the exacqVision Client you may confirm the Power User Process successfully logged in by navigating to the System Information page and finding the user name listed in the System Usage panel.


2a. Enable an Analytic Push Notification

Analytics from supported camera models or from supported Analytic Appliances may be directly enabled within the Exacq Mobile 3 app.

  1. Open the Exacq Mobile 3 app and open the Menu. From the Menu, select Configuration.
  2. Select Push Notifications.
  3. Select Analytics.
  4. A list of available analytics appears. Select one or more analytics rules shown. Selected rules have a green highlight bar to the side. Press the &#10003; button to save your selections.


2b. Enable an Event Monitoring Notification

For non-analytic events, such as motion detection or input triggers you must configure an Event Monitoring profile first.

  1. Open the exacqVision Client and navigate to the Event Monitoring page.<br><br>
  2. Create a new profile for your desired activity. Note, that you MUST select View from the Type options.

    For more detail on this step, refer to the Views and Event Monitoring user training videos on their configuration.
  3. For mobile usage, you may want to consider setting a timeout on the triggering Client Action. This can be achieved by changing the Show Event List option, unchecking the Confirm check box near the bottom of the page, then setting a Timeout value. However, you may configure the profile as desired for your scenario.<br><br>
  4. Open the Exacq Mobile 3 app and open the Menu. From the Menu, select Configuration.
  5. Select Push Notifications.
  6. Select Event Monitoring.
  7. A list of available Event Monitoring profiles appears. Select one of the profiles shown. Selected profiles have a green highlight bar to the side. Press the &#10003; button to save your selections.


Receiving Notifications

When receiving a notification message on your device. Pressing the notification message will open the Exacq Mobile 3 app to the configured event as you have configured your Event Monitoring profile to provide.

As an example, if your Event Monitoring profile is triggered by camera motion to change the View to display that camera, pressing the notification will open the Exacq Mobile 3 app to the selected camera View.
