Bulk Adding/Removing User Device Access


Adding or removing a User to/from multiple devices in Cloudvue



Steps to Add User Access

An Admin on an account who is already added to all devices can add a new user to multiple devices at once by completing the following steps:

New User

  • The Admin must already be a User on each device they wish to add the User to.
  • Open “My Account” on the right navigation bar
  • Choose the “Devices” tab and then the edit pencil of one of the devices you would like to provide access to this new User
  • Now choose the USERS Tab, Add User, and then Add new user
  • Fill out all required fields and set the appropriate User Role
  • Provide access to the appropriate device(s) under ASSIGN DEVICES or choose the SELECT ALL option to provide access to all devices.
    NOTE: the device you chose to edit on the Devices tab will already be selected
  • Next to each device, you can select which device you would like to add the new User Profile to. At the top, there is a SELECT ALL option.
    NOTE: the Admin will only be able to see and provide access to the devices they have access to.
  • Once you have selected which device(s) you want the New User added to, click SAVE at the top of the screen
  • The New User will receive and email verification link
  • Once verified the New User will have access to the selected devices
  • To remove device access; follow the same steps, just uncheck the device you want them removed from

Existing User

If an existing user that already has access to a device on the account

  • The Admin must already be a User on each device they wish to add the User to.
  • Open “My Account” on the right navigation bar
  • Choose the “Devices” tab and then the edit pencil of one of the devices the user already has access to.
  • Choose the USERS Tab, search for the User you would like to edit, and choose the edit pencil
  • Provide access to the appropriate device(s) under ASSIGN DEVICES or choose the SELECT ALL option to provide access to all devices.
  • Next to each device, you can select which device you would like to add the new User Profile to. At the top, there is a SELECT ALL option.
    NOTE: the Admin will only be able to see and provide access to the devices they have access to.
  • Once you have selected which device(s) you want the New User added to, click SAVE at the top of the screen

Expected Results 

User(s) can be added/removed to/from multiple devices at once instead of having to go into each individual device in Manager.

Possible Error

Doing this in bulk with too many devices at once can result in an error. Recommended adding/removing in groups if trying with a large number of cameras/gateways