EM Displaying Red Banner and DataRoll Off with high Resource Consumption


EM experiencing High resources and data roll off banner.


Enterprise Manager 23.03
Windows 10

Steps to Reproduce 

  • Log into EM and if you see a Red Roll Off Banner.
  • Check system resources for high CPU and Memory.
  • Check Data Roll off logs for the following error.

psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: update or delete on table "organization_enterpriseuser" violates foreign key constraint "auditlogger_auditlog_user_id_fbf03342_fk_organizat" on table "auditlogger_auditlog"

DETAIL: Key (id)=(2) is still referenced from table "auditlogger_auditlog"

Expected Results 

We should not see high Resources and Data Roll Off Banner.

Actual Results 

High Memory, CPU, and Red Banner Data Roll Off.


Update to exacqVisionEnterpriseManager_23.06.101.0_x64.exe or official EM release 23.06.
