Invalid column error after updating Enterprise Manager using MSSQL database from 21.12 or lower to 22.06 or higher


If you are using mssql database with EM and updating from 21.12 or lower to 22.06 you will get the crying stickman when trying to log into the web gui. When checking the webservice logs you will get invalid column errors such as..

][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Invalid column name ‘lastSaveOrUpdate’. (207) (SQLExecDirectW);


EM version 21.12 or lower

EM version 22.06 or higher

Steps to Reproduce 

Download Enterprise Manager 22.06 (or higher) installer package

Install the package

Try to reach EM via web Gui

Log in using known credentials

Expected Results 

Logs in successfully and able to see configuration

Actual Results 

You will get the crying stickman page


Which contains the workaround and backpatch