Log Reference

The Log Reference can be accessed using the “Logs” menu item on the Exacq Support Portal.


Since logs are generated using many different variables, use the following to interpret.

| (Pipe) i​s used for “OR”
*** Three asterisks represent a Wildcard
%1,%2,%3… These are Variables explained in the description

Do NOT paste an entire log line in the search box

Because of the many possible variables, searching an entire line will likely return no results. Instead, use a couple of words from the log entry to find what you need.

For example, searching for the log:

Successful login – administrator from address (socket 55856).

Will not return any results.

But searching for

Successful login

Returns the proper result and explains what the different variables are.


Use the Plugin Search and Level drop-downs to further filter your results if needed. You can also enter text into the Plugin Search.