Installing Windows Security Essentials on Win7 based evServers

  1. Stop exacqvision Server Service (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools ->Services -> exacqVision Server : Stop)
  2. Download Windows Security Essentials Package (mseinstall.exe, x64) from Microsoft website, and execute the installer on the target machine.
  3. Select all default options, except for the ones listed below.
    1. Do not join the program (Optional)
    2. Unselect both options below:
    3. Do not immediately scan
    4. The system will update automatically (if connected to the internet) and come to the following page:
    5. If Internet was not accessible, connect to the internet, and update definitions. Make sure the system shows the latest definitions are installed.
    6. On the settings page, schedule a daily scan to a time of your convenience.
    7. Click on ‘Exclude Files and Locations’, and hit Browse.
    8. Select all the Data Drives (on which Video is stored) and choose the exacq install location (C:\Program Files\exacqVision), and hit OK.
    9. All Data drives and the exacq install directory should be shown, separated with a semi-colon.
    10. Hit ‘Add’, and all the data drives and the exacq install directory should be on the excluded list.
    11. Come back to Home page and run a full scan.