System Configuration

System Configuration NEW
Get acquainted with the numerous server configuration settings available through the Configure System page in ExacqVision. The Configure System page features a large number of tabs to navigate between system settings. The System tab displays the license status, number of IP devices licensed for the system, the MAC address and serial number, and controls to enter or import the license key. Additionally, customize the system name, global control timeouts and choose to export system configuration for safe keeping or importing a backup configuration. Use the Date/Time tab to configure the server’s time settings, including whether or not to utilize an external NTP service. The Network tab is where you may configure the IP settings for the network interfaces on the system. Select between dynamically assigned IP addresses or static address and set any static IPs needed. Connect your ExacqVision system to an Active Directory or LDAP server to take advantage of managing user accounts from your directory service. Apply ExacqVision Server updates and view version and update information on the Update tab. Set user account security policy through the Security tab, including the ability to lockout users after a number of incorrect login attempts, lockout accounts after a number of inactive days, or force password expiration to require users to regularly change their login passwords.