Unable to Start Web Service on Windows 10


Users installing the exacqVision web service on Windows 10 machines find that the exacqVision web service is not enabled and encounter errors when attempting to manually start the service.



This is due to a port conflict. The default port used by evApache is port 80. This is also the default port for most web services. Windows 10 contains a service which is enabled by default that binds to port 80 before evApache attempts to start and since two services cannot bind to the same port number, evApache and the exacqVision web service fail to start.



There are two possible ways to work around this.

  1. Open Services.msc in Windows and locate the ‘World Wide Web Publishing Service’. Stop this service and change the start up type to ‘Disabled’. You may also consider disabling the IIS service if it is installed on your machine. After these changes have been made you may either reboot your machine or manually start the exacqVision web service.
  2. Manually change the port number to something other than the default of 80. This requires editing a configuration file in Apache. You may find instructions on this in the following knowledge base article: 42205

