Bus Expander Showing up in Storage As a Physical Drive

Description  If adding new drives to the system that are similar to the model and serial number of the below and this issue is seen we have resolved this issue and is available in server 24.12 official release.WD-RD01XL5EModel: “WDC WD85PURZ-85C4WY0Upon updating to server and client the we noticed that there is a Bus Expander… Continue reading Bus Expander Showing up in Storage As a Physical Drive

ACTi A86 Connection Status Device Not Responding

Description  Customer have reported that the Acti A86 Camera will show a Device not Responding error on the Add IP Cameras page in the Exacq Client. However the camera is actually connected and recording just fine. Product  Windows and LinuxexacqVision Up to current A86 FW A1D-900-A8.02.03-AC Steps to Reproduce  Add a camera to… Continue reading ACTi A86 Connection Status Device Not Responding