llustra Flex2 4k Bullets / Domes Not Recording

Description  If Cloudvue C2C Illustra Flex2 4k Bullet or Dome camera is not recording locally or to the cloud it may be a camera firmware issue. Product  Solution When issue was observed cameras were running the latest production firmware Illustra.SS004. (Flex Gen2), live view was working normally however the cameras were not recording either to… Continue reading llustra Flex2 4k Bullets / Domes Not Recording

Cloudvue Advance Replacement RMA Process – North America

Description  Please use the following steps when creating a Cloudvue Advance Replacement RMA in North America. Solution Complete the normal Cloudvue RMA Process for North America, see KB #13217 for instructions. From the RMA Salesforce Case Email Will Anderson <will.anderson@jci.com>  requesting that he create a sales order.  The email should include the following information: IMPORTANT: … Continue reading Cloudvue Advance Replacement RMA Process – North America

Cloudvue NVR Recorder Debugging

Description  At times it can be useful to get nvr-recorder debug level output to troubleshoot recording issue on a Cloudvue Gateway.  This can be achieved using the smv-record debug engine. Product  Solution The basic steps are: Example Tech Tip:  Support Diagnostics also captures this information in the Smartvue-smv-record.log section.