PSMOVE For Windows


The purpose of this KB is to help run PS MOVE and where to place the files on a system.


Exacq Server 23.03 and above.

File Location: 

Place psmove.exe in the Server folder.
Open powershell or command promt as ADMIN.
cd C:\Program Files\exacqVision\Server and place the psmove.exe into the server folder.

Linux: ETA not available yet.

NOTE: When Running on Windows AND Linux PSMOVE must be in the sever folder because it depends on the libraries installed with server.

Running PSmove on Windows: 

Once the psmove.exe is in the Server location seen above, you can run the following command to execute it.

In command prompt or powershell type the following
cd C:\Program Files\exacqVision\Server

Then type:
psmove -r-

Additional Information and KB’s for reference

  1. It defaults to report-only mode. psmove -r- will move files.
  2. It will open a ps file and get the first frame timestamp and determine the correct hour directory for the file, based on the CURRENT timezone. If the file is not in the correct hour directory, it will rename it to put it in the correct directory.
  3. Collision avoidance: If there is already a file in the destination directory of the same name, it will decrement the timestamp by one second, generate the new name and try again. Only the file name is changed, not the file content.
  4. The reporting is still pretty slim. report-only mode when specifying a “path” doesn’t currently count what “would” be moved correctly. When moving, it will count the hours and files that were moved.
  5. The default mode is to check all volumes. It will locate all of the media in the y/m/d/h directories. report-only mode will count correctly.
  6. It does not delete empty files. With newer versions of ev there shouldn’t be any. It will report empty files. An empty file cannot be checked for the correct directory. It’s empty and, therefore; doesn’t have a first frame timestamp.
    So, on a server that recorded in one timezone and then changes timezones, PSmove will get the files in the correct hour directories. All of the content should then be searchable.
  7. We’ve reduced the dependencies to the minimum, there are still dependencies. PSmove will only work with the server for that version and later after the compiler upgrade.


PSMOVE.exe file:

We will continue to update this KB as the Linux version gets finalized.
