SEQ – A guide to initial configuration for debugging Enterprise Manager Logs  

This guide will outline the steps needed to configure the tool SEQ on a PC in order to use scripts provided by Engineers at Exacq Technologies to aid in debugging Enterprise Manager Support Diagnostic Logs.


  • This guide will assume you have downloaded Enterprise Manager support diagnostic logs for the purpose of debugging.
  • This guide will assume you have downloaded the importEMlogs.ps1 powershell script.
  • This guide will assume you have downloaded the latest available version of the SEQ application program.

Initial installation and configuration steps

  1. You must first install latest version of SEQ on your PC
  2. You must then configure SEQ as follows:
    2.A. change to the directory of saved log file in Powershell
    in example:
    cd C:\Users\youruser\Downloads\Diagnostics_year_month_day_time\EnterpriseManager
  3. generate an API key by accessing the SEQ UI, located at http://localhost:5341 > Settings > API KEYS
  4. open the importEMlogs.ps1 file provided by Engineering in notepad and observe the following commands:

    To set a default server URL and API key, run the commands below:
    seqcli config -k connection.serverUrl -v https://your-seq-server

    seqcli config -k connection.apiKey -v your-api-key

in example – you could run the following commands:
(use HTTP unless certs are configured)
seqcli config -k connection.serverUrl -v http://localhost:5341
seqcli config -k connection.apiKey -v YOURAPIKEY123456789

5. It may be necessary to set the system environmental variable for SEQCLI to work properly. You can do so by searching Windows for ” Environmental Variables “. Open the windows and add the entry for SEQCLI, as listed in the photo below:

Your SEQ instance should now be properly configured for use allowing you to send the Diagnostic Data to the SEQ server now installed.

Additional steps are now required after completion of the initial configuration in order to start using SEQ to debug Enterprise Manager Support Diagnostic Logs, as follows:

1. You must first place importEMlogs.ps1 powershell script provided by Engineering inside the unzipped “EnterpriseManager” directory of the support diagnostic log file you wish to debug.

2. change directory to the proper logfile directory “EnterpriseManager” listed above, and then run the following command:

.\importEMlogs.ps1 -ProcessLogs -OverwriteExisting -Environment "CaseNo/AesNo/tagline" -StartFromLastInstall -SendToSEQ

You may now view the logs in the SEQ UI by navigating to Events and setting the proper filters. More documentation regarding the usage of SEQ can be found at:

Documentation for SEQ filtering can be found HERE.