Changing the Mobile Listening Port for exacqVision Server

When using the exacqVision Mobile app with the release of exacqVision Server 24.09 or higher, the exacqVision Mobile app will connect directly to the exacqVision Server service rather than require the intermediary exacqVision Web Service.

By default the service will listen for incoming mobile app connections on port 8443. This may be manually changed by the system administrator to accommodate network needs when needed.



  • exacqVision Server, version 24.09 and above
  • exacqVision Mobile, version 24.09 and above



  1. Log into the system running the exacqVision Server instance with administrative privileges.<br><br>
  2. Locate the following configuration file:
    • Windows: C:\Program Files\exacqVision\Server\nvrsdkpi.xml
    • Linux: /usr/local/exacq/server/nvrsdkpi.xml<br><br>
  3. Open this JSON configuration file with the text editor of your choice.
    • Windows: Open the text editor choosing, ‘Run as Administrator’
    • Linux: Run with sudo privileges when needed.<br><br>
  4. Identify the line that reads:
    &lt;SecureUri value="" /&gt;<br><br>
  5. Replace ‘8443’ with the port number of your choosing. Be sure this is not a port already in use.<br><br>
  6. Save the file.<br><br>
  7. Restart the exacqVision Server service.
