Outbound Connections tab in Client shows intermittent disconnecting then connecting

Some servers connecting to Integrator Services Portal or Enterprise Manager may show disconnected on outbound connections tab, then connected, and then disconnect again intermittently.


ExacqVision Server software
ExacqVision Client software

Steps to Reproduce 

  • Connect the ExacqVision server to ISP or EM via the outbound connections tab in the Enterprise section or Configure System section of the ExacqVision Client software.

Expected Results 

Status should remain “Connected”

Actual Results 

Status will show “Connected”, then momentarily show “disconnected”, then back to “Connected”, continuously cycling through these statuses.


  1. Observe if streampi.xml lists the MAC address for SerialNumber value & shows “unknown” as ModelNumber value (if it doesn’t, could be a different issue).
  2. Remove server from ISP or EM instance and restart ALL EM services.
  3. Remove entry from outbound connections tab in client for this server
  4. Edit streampi.xml to reflect proper original values for both SerialNumber and ModelNumber and save the changes.
  5. Restart ExacqVision Server service
  6. Add server back to ISP/EM instance as outbound connection with proper serial number to match what is in streampi.xml (HAS to be SerialNumber).  
  7. Click on server details > edit > verify proper serial number is listed. If this is not the proper value ( this may show a different value than what you would expect to see for this server), change it to proper serial number and save the changes.
  8. Add EM/ISP instance back to outbound connections tab of client.
  9. Restart ExacqVision Webservice service.
  10. Await “Connected” status to verify resolution.