Artificial Intelligence Object Classification Event Triggers Filling OS Drive


We have found that event links based on triggers from AI Object Classification events flood the eventPI database resulting in the OS drive being filled in a short amount of time. Periodic unexpected crashes, system reboots and increased memory usage have resulted. This happens when the amount of AI metadata captured in the eventPI database in a single day exceeds the available free space on the drive.

The following exacqVision Server log entries confirm when this issue is occurring.


  • AXIS Object Analytics
  • Hanwha AI-based object detection
  • Illustra AI Object Classification
  • exacqVision Server [All versions]


Update the exacqVision Server and Client to version 23.09 or higher.

Once updated, utilize the ‘Maximum Days to Keep Bounding Box Metadata’ control. Details on this feature may be found in Maximum Days to Keep Bounding Box Metadata Explained

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